The importance of having your motor trade vehicles registered to the right person or company. 

Motor trade insurance policies have fantastic flexibility when it comes to the use of vehicles. Having the ability to drive both your own and customer vehicles is a great benefit to have, once you understand the restrictions on the policy it makes life a lot easier knowing you can drive a vehicle you are working on or buying.

So any vehicle registered to anyone is covered under my motor trade policy?

Not quite.

When it comes to the ownership of vehicles, there are restrictions on what is and isn’t covered and its important to know what your policy covers. For example, most motor trade policies do not cover named drivers vehicles under the policy. It is important to know who your vehicles are registered to and if they are  registered to  one of your named drivers they need to be insured elsewhere or re-registered.

Are there other scenarios where vehicle ownership could be an issue?

If your business is registered as a Limited company then your work vehicles need to be registered to the company and not to individual directors or named drivers.

You also need to make sure that your vehicles are covered under your policy, so vehicles over a certain value or GVW may not be covered.

If you you are unsure whether your vehicles are covered under your Motor trade policy, contact our Motor trade insurance department on (061)226722 or Email