Your Details

Fields marked with a * are required.

Or if new policy, please select the policy start date.

House/Property Details

Fields marked with a * are required.

If different to above

As close to the year as possible if exact year not known.

Slate roof, etc. If flat roof, please advise what % of the overall roof is flat.

Additional Factors

Fields marked with a * are required.

Please provide details of any claims in the past 6 years (be it on this property or any other property owned or controlled by you, or any other policy type such as motor or travel if none please state none).

Sums Insured

Fields marked with a * are required.

Insured value in Euro. If you are not sure about this figure, contact us or click here for the SCSI rebuilding guide.

Not what the landlord has provided.

This optional section covers personal items covered when outside the home.

Please state what you need covered and each items value.

Cover Details

Fields marked with a * are required.

This is the amount you pay in the event of a claim. What amount would you be happy to pay? (A higher excess can often reduce your premium)

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